From 1998 through 2022, revenues for the domestic pest control industry have grown at around 6%, a rate roughly 50% higher than nominal GDP over the same period:
What’s more, the industry has proven resilient, showing year-over-year growth despite such economic headwinds as the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, the COVID19 pandemic, and so on:
In the episode of The Preferred Shares Podcast, we discuss the birth and evolution of the modern pest control industry as experienced by Orkin, the first pest control company with first a regional, then national, presence.
Disclaimer: Both the author and clients of Fortune Financial Advisors, LLC, own shares of Rollins, Inc., parent company of Orkin. Both Douglas Ott, co-host of The Preferred Shares Podcast, and clients of Andvari Associates, also own shares of Rollins, Inc.