What types of financial education does your organization currently provide? Does your Financial Advisor develop educational programs centered around the unique needs of your associates? Are you able to identify the effectiveness of any programs in place or is it simply try different topics and hope some stick and are beneficial to your workforce?

Need financial tools and options explained to your employees?  Fortune Financials interactive workshops are another valuable service to organizations that help define our Difference! From HSA’s, 401(k)’s and NUA’s, to general financial information such as understanding financial markets to identifying the value of your digital assets, Fortune Financial will explain how different financial tools can help your business and employees have a stable financial future.

We invite you to come experience the Fortune Financial Difference with our informative, interactive workshops tailored to the needs of your organization.

Understanding Financial Markets

What is the difference between the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones?

How do financial markets impact our everyday lives?

Basics of Investing

I hear people talking about Large Cap, Mid Cap, etc.? It’s all Greek to me.

What are the benefits of diversification and why should I care if I’ve got decades until retirement?

Aging Parent Issues

 How do I start this conversation with my parent(s)?

 Creating a plan prior to an emergency

529 Plans & College Funding

What is the difference between State v. Public or Private College Plans?

Comparison of 529 Plans v. Roth IRA’s

Debt, Credit & Your FICO Score

How to pay down debt and improve your credit

How to manage debt

Wisdom for the First Time Home Buyer

To buy or to rent

How to pick the right agent for you

ESOP Basics

What are the advantages of an ESOP over other options?

Who is an ideal candidate for an ESOP?

Digital Assets

How to identify digital assets

How to transfer your digital assets upon death

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